sábado, 30 de novembro de 2019

Conheça esta incrível empresa GREEN STUFF WORLD

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Para os amantes do Hobby de montar e pintar suas miniaturas e jogar, conheçam esta incrível empresa



domingo, 24 de novembro de 2019

Arkham Horror Final Hour da Fantasy Flight Games

Your time is running out.
After a sinister cult conducted an eldritch rite to clear the way for a transdimensional Ancient One and its minions to enter our reality, you arrived at their ritual site too late to prevent the summoning. An iridescent rift slashes across the sky, heralding the nightmarish creatures that pour into the ivy-covered halls of Miskatonic University. As howls and screams cut through the night, there is only one path left for your fearless investigators—hold back the horde and find some way to reverse the summoning.
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce Arkham Horror: Final Hour, a fast-paced, fully cooperative board game playable in under 60 minutes! Your team of one to four investigators must hold back an endless tide of monsters and search for the ritual components you need to put an end to the insanity before time runs out and Arkham falls into chaos. The odds against you are astronomical, but if you fail, this will indeed be the final hour for Arkham… and the world.
The cult behind the Ancient One’s summoning may have escaped your grasp, but they left many clues behind. If you can find them and piece together some way to reverse the ritual before time runs out, you may be able to banish the Ancient One and save Arkham. You have eight rounds to accomplish this task before the Ancient One reaches its full strength and the world falls into chaos.
Each round begins with the Action Phase—your investigators use their actions to protect the campus and uncover clues while monsters attempt to destroy them. This is followed by the Ancient One Phase, where the summoned beast strengthens its hold on the world, spawning more monsters through the growing gates scattered around the campus. With each round, your task becomes more difficult as more monsters pour in, threatening to overrun the campus. Time is against you, and you must hurry to deduce the proper ritual components before your time runs out.
In order to protect the campus and the world from the Ancient One, you will need to step into the role of Arkham’s bravest investigators. You may choose between six of the strongest characters in the Arkham Horror Files universe, including Jenny Barnes, Tommy Muldoon, and more! Each investigator has their own set of skills and unique ways to contribute to the group through their action card deck. These action cards let you move across campus, fight monsters, or search for clues to reverse the ritual. You must prioritize and balance your actions with the rest of your team, working together to defeat enemies and find a way to undo the ritual.
Each action card features two effects: a top effect that offers purely positive effects, such as letting you fight monsters or protect locations, and a bottom effect that may allow you to investigate but leaves monsters free to wreak havoc. Your team must resolve the top effect of two action cards and the bottom effect of two cards, which you determine by playing priority cards, your team’s only means of communication. You have no choice which action card you play, but may choose any of the priority cards in your hand to express to your team the importance that your top action be resolved—the lower the number of your priority card, the more likely it is that your top action will be resolved. But even this comes with risks. Certain priority cards may strengthen the Ancient One and put your team in even greater peril. Balance and communication will be the key to your survival.
But just holding back the swarm of monsters will not be enough to save Arkham. In order to end the madness and earn victory, you must also investigate in order to deduce which priority cards you need to help reverse the rite. Even if investigating also causes negative effects, it may be worth it if it brings you closer to your goal!
As you search the campus, you’ll flip clue tokens to uncover clues in the form of ritual icons. Each game of Arkham Horror: Final Hour will require a different icon to reverse the ritual and your goal is to have as many priority cards as possible with the right ritual icons when you attempt to undo the rite. In order to deduce which icon you need, you must flip as many clue tokens as possible to eliminate possibilities. When the first copy of an icon is revealed, that icon’s chance of being needed for the ritual is reduced; if another clue token showing that icon is revealed, it is no longer a possibility. Once you determine which icon you need, you are ready to attempt the reversal ritual.
If you are all in agreement, your team of investigators may attempt to undo the cult’s ritual at the end of any round. However, you cannot share information about which priority cards you have in your hand. All you can tell your team is whether you are ready to reverse the ritual or not. When you attempt your own eldritch rite to counter that of the cult, each investigator commits three priority cards from their hand, and if the number of cards with the correct ritual icons is at least twice the number of investigators, the ritual will be undone and Arkham will be saved! But if you fail, the fate of the world is forfeit. The stakes are impossible, the odds astronomical, but you are one thing standing between your city and destruction. You cannot abandon them now.
Now that an Ancient One has broken into our reality, time is running out until the world falls into chaos. Your mission is simple—what has been done must be undone. Head up, eyes forward. No backing down now.


Star Trek Alliance by Wizkids

In Star Trek Alliance, players take on the role of Federation starship captains, and work cooperatively to face enemy threats controlled by the game’s AI. The Dominion War Campaign is the first game in this series, and allows you to take on the threat posed to the Gamma Quadrant by the Dominion.
Instead of using a ship, captain, and crew of characters already in Star Trek lore, you will create your own, allowing you to tell your own unique, one of a kind story set in the Star Trek universe. The game’s missions begin immediately after your promotion to Captain, as you take command of an Excelsior-Class or Akira-Class vessel. You’ll name your captain, choose your first command, and spend a number of experience points on upgrade cards representing skills, crew, weapons, and ship modifications.
Each mission begins with a briefing and instructions for setting up the map, as well as placing enemy ships. Some enemy ships begin the mission on the board, while others will arrive in later rounds from randomized locations, so you’ll never know when a Jem’Hadar attack ship will come out of warp right behind you! You’ll review the mission objectives and special rules, and then finally select your ship and loadout using the upgrade points and slots you’ve earned up to that point in the campaign.
Upgrade cards include the crew, like a Helmsman who can help you maneuver, or a tactical officer who lets you re-roll attack dice, and ship upgrades, such as an impulse upgrade that lets you treat more maneuvers as green, or Detection Grid, which lets you support your allies’ attacks. All of the upgrade cards in Star Trek Alliance are also compatible with Star Trek: Attack Wing, allowing for .
Once your ships are ready, you take on your enemies in exciting ship-to-ship combat that’s familiar to fans of Star Trek Attack Wing, but straightforward enough for those who are new to the experience of miniatures gaming. You’ll use careful maneuvering and strategy to maximize your odds as you roll dice for both attack and defense.
The game features a special AI system that seamlessly commands the flight patters and strategies of enemy ships. In the Dominion War Campaign, these enemy ships are the three Jem’Hadar Attack Ships that come in the box. They’ll come at you in waves, with each wave represented by an Enemy Loadout Card and controlled by an Enemy Logic Card. First, you identify their target based on mission orders, then you roll a die to determine what maneuver the ship takes in that direction. The ship then takes an action, which will vary based on the current game conditions. Finally, it will fire at the nearest eligible target. While you may have a sense of where the ships will try to go, the AI keeps them unpredictable, and able to outmaneuver even the most skilled captains.
Star Trek Alliance: Dominion War Campaign features six missions. There’s one mission in Act I and four in Act II, which can be played in any order, leading into the climactic final mission in Act III. Choosing the right order based on your abilities and strategies is key to succeeding in the full campaign! As you complete missions and progress through the game, you will earn additional experience allowing you to use more upgrade cards, increasing your Captain Skill and unlocking additional upgrade icons, which you will track on a special Captain Card.
One copy of the game contains everything you need to play the full campaign with two players. But, with three copies, you can play with up to six people in giant battles that can feature up to 12 enemy ships! You can also play any mission as a standalone, without tracking experience or using a Captain Card. This allows you the flexibility to play one mission with a large group, even if everyone can’t be there for the full campaign.
Star Trek Alliance is a new way to experience the exciting stories of the Star Trek universe, starting with the classic Dominion War Campaign, while putting players themselves in the center of the action, and giving them the chance to become Starfleet legends.


sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2019

Wyrd Games - Malifaux 3rd Edition - Lançamento

Bem Vindos a Malifaux, um espelho distorcido de um mundo alternativo dos anos 1900; um mundo de horror gótico, estruturas victorianas, construções Steampunk, e pistoleiros do velho oeste. Lute contra mutações mortos vivos, monstruosas aparições vingativas, e outras criaturas noturnas. Estas terras que beiram as terras sem lei, entre em cavernas misteriosas, catacumbas cheias de horror e todos estão sedentos de sangue.

Malifaux 3rd Edition é um jogo de combate guiado com uma história e background incrível que fazem os jogadores serem conduzidos até eventos importantes. Com as regras aprimoradas e atualizadas para sua terceira edição, Lançamentos de vários suplementos deixam cada vez mais o jogo original e emocionante....no mundo de Malifaux.

Procure sua fortuna, teste sua sorte e entre neste jogo de tabuleiro brutal com miniatuiras incríveis.

Se você é um daqueles que não acreditam na rolagem de dados, em Malifaux,você pode usar as cartas chamadas Fate Deck para levar seus personagens a vitória.


Lançamento UsaOpoly - Court of the Dead

Lançamento em Agosto de 2019 da USAOPOLY

Você está morto no submundo. É hora de se juntar às facções de Osso, Carne e Espírito enquanto eles trabalham para alcançar o objetivo do Mundo Inferior: reunir forças suficientes para enfrentar os celestiais do Céu e do Inferno para terminar sua guerra incessante. Se os jogadores trabalharem diplomaticamente em Court of the Dead: Mourners Call para manter um equilíbrio, eles podem garantir que o Underworld sobreviva tempo suficiente para que eles também completem seus objetivos individuais coletivos e ocultos. O jogador que melhor contribuir para esses objetivos ganhará o favor da Morte e um lugar entre a elite do submundo.

Você é um Mourner (Lamentador) - um defensor da Morte - dedicado a realizar sua nobre ambição de acabar com a guerra celestial e restaurar o equilíbrio do universo. No entanto, o propósito da Morte inclui seus próprios motivos ocultos. Você e seus companheiros devem se unir e se levantar ou cair juntos. 

Mas apenas um Mourner conseguirá unir sua visão particular do submundo. Sua tarefa não será fácil. Enquanto o submundo está unido em seu propósito, ele está dividido em sua estratégia para alcançar esse objetivo. Existem três facções na Terra dos Mortos: Osso, Carne e Espírito. Cada uma é um caminho único para se levantar contra o Céu e o Inferno.

Você precisará manipular estrategicamente sua influência dentro dessas facções, suas fortalezas e guildas, e dentro da Corte dos Mortos, se você deseja alcançar seus objetivos. Mas cuidado: o poder dentro das almas mortais - conhecido como Etherea - é uma substância perigosa. Use-o descuidadamente, e você corre o risco de invocar o Dreadsgrip - uma força destrutiva dentro de cada Mourner que consome tudo o que toca, incluindo o seu antigo mestre. 

Não saciar a necessidade de guerra dos celestiais, ou desencadear o Dreadsgrip, tem conseqüências terríveis para todos os jogadores. Você é forte o suficiente para alcançar suas próprias ambições e ser o campeão da força de união para a qual todos os Lamentadores Chamam?


NEWs - Mutant Chronicles - The Siege of the Citadel 2nd Edition


Um dos mais incríveis jogos de miniaturas de techno-fantasy de todos os tempos, Siege of the Citadel, está de volta em uma nova segunda edição! Visto a primeira vez nos anos 90, a nova edição traz o time de design liderados por Richard Borg e atualiza e balancea as regras através das 45 novas miniaturas e novo tabuleiro. 

Você está preparado para retornar a Cidadela?

Lançamento em Setembro de 2019



Esta clássica versão de CATAN, foi lançada ao espaço em 1999 e depois disso foi descontinuado. Após muitos pedidos o Catan Studio relançará no Outono americano a nova versão.
E a nova versão não apenas será relançada, mas sim, foi totalmente reestruturada e os componentes serão totalmente recriados. Além disso a dinâmica terá adições importantes e o jogo terá grandes variedades de exploração espacial.

Entre nas profundezas do desconhecido, descybra novos sistemas solares, encontre vidas extraterrestres e use a diplomacia para conseguir ajuda no espaço.

Lançamento em Agosto de 2019


NEWS - Black Angel - Lançamento em Agosto Boardgame da Asmodee

Lançamento em Jogos de Tabuleiro da Asmodee em Agosto de 2019


A Humanidade, através do seu comportamento irresponsável, levou a Terra a ser inabitável. As maiores nacções são forçadas a compartilhar seus conhecimentos para criar a maior espaçonave jamais construída.


quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2019

ENnies 2019 - RuneQuest nomeado como melhor arte interior!

RuneQuest Roleplaying in Glorantha Slipcase Set foi descrito como "um dos mais estonteantes livros de RPG que já foram feitos" e foi nomeado como Best Interior Art no prêmio ENnie Awards de 2019. A Nova edição do aclamado roleplaying game de fantasia foi suntuosamente ilustrado pelos melhores artistas da industria da atualidade realizado pela Chaosium Games, aclamada também por o rpg clássico de horror Call of Cthulhu 

Parabéns a todos os envolvidos: Rick Becker, Bernard Bittler, Simon Bray, William Church, Miguel Coronado, Gene Day, Andrey Fetisov, Piotr Foksowicz, Lisa Free, Merle Insigna, Tomasz Jedruszek, Kalin Kadiev, Roman Kisyov, Rachel Kahn, Jennifer Lange, Rhonda Libbey, Michelle Lockamy, Juha Makkonen, Mike Mignola, Christine Mitzuk, Luise Perrene, Kevin Ramos, Roger Raupp, Jacob Rebulka, Alex Ries, Naomi Robinson, Simon Roy, Olivier Sanfilippo, Luoto Sari, Tobia Tranell, and Cory Trego-Erdner.


terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2019

Conheça o RPG Adventures in Middle Earth da Cubicle 7

Adventures in Middle Earth
Role Playing Games da Cubicle 7
Conheça um pouco mais sobre a história e seus livros de role play..
Smaug foi derrotado. A Btalha dos Cinco Exércitos já aconteceu, e Bilbo retornou ao Condado. Mas muitos perigos ainda permanecem, desde os Orcs das montanhas até as profundezes de sombrias de Mirkwood, as sombras estão a espera,recuperando suas forças, traçando planos e as sombras vão se expandindo.
Em Dale, O REI Bard envia ajuda aos bravos aventureiros para Laketown e os ajudam a restaurar a glória do Norte.
Aventureiros vindos dos Povos Livres de Wilderland e além, vem ao chamado da aventura. Pode ser assegurar as ruas, ou a busca pelo um item ancestral, ou mesmo uma simples tarefa de defender os mais necessitados e suas terras. Aventureiros vão atravessar as terras selvagens para explorar Middle-earth e a luta contra as sombras certamente os alcançará.
Adventures in Middle-earth é oficialmente licenciada para o sistema 5th edition OGL. Estes livros providenciam um grande material com regras, cenários e background onde os jogadores irão sem sntir dentro de Middle-earth em seus jogos!
Os livros dá série Adventures in Middle Earth:
• The Player's Guide 
• The Loremaster's Guide 
• Wilderland Adventures 
• Rhovanion Region Guide 
• The Road Goes Ever On 
• The Mirkwood Campaign
• The Eaves of Mirkwood & Loremaster's Screen 
• Rivendell Region Guide
• Eriador Adventures 
• Moria - deluxe boxed set

sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2019

Pathfinder 2nd Edition Vem ai!!!Sucesso Total em RPG Medieval

É dificil acreditar que já se passou 10 anos que o RPG Pathfinder Roleplaying Game foi lançado e arrebentou tudo na industria de RPGs. Desde então Pathfinder mais de 500.000 cópias, foi traduzido em 11 línguas, foi adaptado por quadrinhos, livros, card game etc. Em agosto deste ano a Paizo irá lançar a segunda edição do jogo, provendo para jogadores e mestres novas idéias e novas ferramentas para embarcar na nova geração de aventuras. 
Pathfinder Second Edition é o ápice de 2 anos de design do sistema, um ano de playtest de jogadores, e muito feedback de mais de 125,000 jogadores. A próxima evolução nos rpgs de fantasia medieval, Pathfinder Second Edition foi desenhado para fazer com que todos tenham ferramentas necessárias para mergulhar em aventuras épicas complexas, fazendo sua imaginação chegar aos limites.

Abaixo , começando pelo novo livro básico e seguindo pelos suplementos a seguir:

ShadowRun 6th Edition - Ele está de volta de cara nova!!!

Nós acreditamos que você já ouviu falar a esta altura do novo Shadowrun, Sixth World, a nova edição do clássico role-playing game. Uma série de livros e produtos suporte estão sendo lançados ao livro básico, então vamos passar maiores informações sobre o que vem por aí. Vamos pra cima!!!!

O primeiro do portal é Neo-Anarchist Streetpedia, que é o guia definitivo do Shadowrununiverse. Com centenas de entradas, que cobre as corporações, shadowrunners, politicos, nações, cidades, organizações criminais e muito mais. O que é uma boa para leitores saberem o que precisam ver primeiro antes de se aventuras nas ruas, e assim poder acordar no dia seguinte.

Com o Streetpedia estabelecendo a história, the Shadowrun, Sixth World Beginner Box llança as regras. Esta caixa inclui uma versão simplificada das regras da nova edição, como os jogadores podem hackear a Matrix, realizar magias, atirar armas, e dirigir seus veiculos. Dossies de personagens incluem suas estatísticas bem como fazer a condução correta dos jogadores perante as situações. Regras rápidas ajudam levar direto ao ponto ajudando jogadores e mestres absorver o máximo das novas regras.

A caixa vem com um kit de dados que será muito útil durante os jogos de Shadowrun.

Abaixo um compliado dos novos livros de Shadowrun








domingo, 21 de abril de 2019

Lançamento da Fantasy Flight Games - Lord of the Rings Journeys of Middle Earth

Embark on your own adventures in J.R.R. Tolkien's iconic world with The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth, a fully co-operative, app-supported board game for one to five players! You'll battle villainous foes, make courageous choices, and strike a blow against the evil that threatens the land — all as part of a thrilling campaign that leads you across the storied hills and dales of Middle-earth.
Each individual game of Journeys in Middle-earth is a single adventure in a larger campaign. You'll explore the vast and dynamic landscapes of Middle-earth, using your skills to survive the challenges that you encounter on these perilous quests. As you and your fellow heroes explore the wilderness and battle the dark forces arrayed against you, the game's companion app guides you to reveal the looming forests, quiet clearings, and ancient halls of Middle-earth, while also controlling the enemies you encounter. Whether you're venturing into the wild on your own or with close companions by your side, you can write your own legend in the history of Middle-earth.
—description from the publisher

sábado, 20 de abril de 2019

Novo Jogo de Tabuleiro de Game of Thrones

Como todo o planeta está ligado em Game of Thrones, nada melhor que um bom jogo de tabuleiro temático!
Who do you trust? If you sit on the Iron Throne, the wisest answer is "no one".
In the game, one player assumes the role of King (or Queen), while the others represent the great Lords and Ladies of the Houses of Westeros. Some are loyalists who want order in the realm, others are conspirators who seek to undermine the throne, and all of them have a secret agenda of their own. Who is truly loyal, and who is simply hungry for power, honor, and coin? It's up to the King to figure it out before it's too late.
In more detail, the game lasts seven rounds. In each round, players reveal a number of mission cards, each on which has an associated influence type: crowns, ravens, or swords. Each noble plays influence cards face down to one or more missions and places their House Sigil at the mission where they played the most cards. Then each mission is resolved by shuffling the influence cards there and tallying up successes and failures. If a mission succeeds, Order is generated; otherwise Chaos is generated. Nobles earn rewards (coin, honor, power) based on whether the mission with their House Sigil succeeded or failed.
The King can play decree cards during the game to grant favor to nobles who seem loyal, or cast suspicion on suspected conspirators. Decree cards award Order if the King was correct and Chaos if the King was wrong.
At the end of the game, if Order exceeds Chaos, the King wins and any loyalists who achieved their personal ambitions win. If Chaos has the edge, then any conspirators who achieved their personal ambitions win.

Ticket to Ride London

Lançamento da Days of Wonder
Ticket to Ride London
Ticket to Ride: London features the familiar gameplay from the Ticket to Ride game series — collect cards, claim routes, draw tickets — but on a scaled-down map of 1970s London that allows you to complete a game in no more than 15 minutes.
Each player starts with a supply of 17 double-decker buses, two transportation cards in hand, and one or two destination tickets that show locations in London. On a turn, you either draw two transportation cards from the deck or the display of five face-up cards (or you take one face-up bus, which counts as all six colors in the game); or you claim a route on the board by discarding cards that match the color of the route being claimed (with any set of cards allowing you to claim a gray route); or you draw two destination tickets and keep at least one of them.
Players take turns until someone has no more than two buses in their supply, then each player takes one final turn, including the player who triggered the end of the game. Players then sum their points, scoring points for (1) the routes that they've claimed during the game, (2) the destination tickets that they've completed (by connecting the two locations on a ticket by a continuous line of their buses), and (3) the districts that they've connected. (A district consists of 2-4 locations, and you score 1-5 points for a district if you link all of its locations to one another with your buses.) You lose points for any uncompleted destination tickets, then whoever has the high score wins!