segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2017

Rise of the Dungeon Master - Gary Gygax and the Creation of D&D

Se você é aficcionado em jogos ao estilo medieval, role playing games e afins, não pode deixar de conhecer este livro.

Gary Gygax foi o criador de como entendemos e vivenciamos as histórias dos mais famosos RPGs do mundo:

Dungeons & Dragons

Essencial para todas as idades, e leitores, iniciantes e mais ainda para os veteranos.

Rise of the Dungeon Master - Gary Gygax and the Creation of D&D
By award-winning journalist and author David Kushner and American Israeli cartoonist and illustrator Koren Shadmi, Rise of the Dungeon Master tells, in graphic form, the story of Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, one of the most influential games ever made. Like the game itself, the narrative casts the reader into the adventure from a first person point of view, taking on the roles of the different characters in the story. Gygax, an imaginative misfit, escaped into a virtual world based on science fiction novels, military history, and strategic games like chess. In the mid-1970s, he co-created the wildly popular Dungeons & Dragons game, determining the rules and inventing the signature 20-sided dice. With D&D, Gygax created the kind of roleplaying fantasy that would fuel the multi-billion dollar video game industry, and become a foundation of contemporary geek culture.

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