quarta-feira, 8 de março de 2017

Jogo de Tabuleiro - Dice City - Lançamento da AEG

Dice City is a “dice-crafting” game, where the locations in your city act as the changing faces of your dice each turn. Use tactics and strategy to press your claim!
DC - Die Yellow
You each have several ways to promote your city; create strong armies; construct wondrous buildings; or open up trade routes. The secret is to manage your city and its natural resources carefully to make the best of your fortunes.

Dice City is from Artipia Games and AEG.  Be sure to let your local store know that in October, you’re ready to roll, build, and win!
Download the Dice City Rulebook (5MB Low-Res PDF)
The Chief Architect of Rolldovia has started his tour of the city, and you can learn all about the amazing constructions available to build!

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