quinta-feira, 23 de março de 2017

Jogo de Tabuleiro - Three Kingdoms Redux

Three Kingdoms Redux 

$59.99 SRP

Three Kingdoms Redux recreates the historic tripartite between the Wei, Wu, and Shu states. You assume the role of one of the three lords and begin the game from asymmetrical positions, reflecting the manpower advantages Wei enjoyed in the early part of this period. The weaker states of Wu and Shu protect themselves by forming an alliance.

As a feudal lord, you manage the different aspects of running a state while guarding your borders against external enemies and rebellious tribes. Managing each aspect well will earn you victory points.

Be cautious, for the balance of power shifts constantly throughout the game. Understand and take advantage of these power shifts, and you will fulfill your grand ambition of reunifying China!

3 players
Ages 14+
120 minute play time 

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